miercuri, 11 mai 2011

Doi ingeri

Doi ingeri calatori au oprit sa`si petreaca noaptea in casa unei familii instarite. Familia a fost rea si a refuzat sa`i lase pe ingeri sa innopteze in camera de oaspeti. In schimb, le`a oferit o camaruta in subsol. In timp ce isi faceau paturile, ingerul cel batran a vazut o gaura in prete si a reparat`o imediat. Cand ingerul cel tanar a intrebat : " De ce?"  celalalt inger i`a raspuns: " Lucrurile nu sunt intotdeauna ceea ce par a fi!". In noaptea urmatoare ingerii au ajuns sa doarma in casa unui om foarte sarac, dar foarte ospitalier, taran ce locuia impreuna cu sotia lui. Dupa ce au impartit cu ei putina manacre ce o aveau, i`au lasat pe ingeri sa doarma in patul lor in care se puteau odihni in voie. Cand s`au trezit a doua zi, ingerii i`au gasit pe taran si pe sotia lui plangand. Singura lor vaca al carei lapte era singurul lor venit a murit pe camp. Ingerul cel tanar s`a infuriat si l`a intrebat pe cel batarn cum se poate intampla asa ceva. " Primul om avea de toate , si totusi l`ai ajutat" spuse el. " A doua familie avea atat de putin, dar erau in stare sa imparta totul, si le`ai lasat vaca sa moara".  " Lucrurile nu sunt intotdeauna ceea ce par a fi" raspunse cel batran. " Cand am stat in subsol am observat ca in gaura din perete era depozitat aur. De vreme ce stapanul era obsedat de lacomie si era imposibil sa`si imparta bogatia cu altcineva, am astupat zidul sa nu o mai gaseasca. Noaptea trecuta in timp ce am dormit in patul celeialte familii, cea saraca,  ingerul mortii a venit pe la sotia taranului, dar in schimb i`am dat vaca"  

Lucrurile nu sunt intotdeauna ce par a fi !
Uneori chiar asa se intampla cand lucrurile nu se desfasoara asa cum trebuie !

Stiluri de imbracaminte

Fiecare se imbraca dupa stilul propriu, dar fiecare se ia dupa un anumit stil de imbracaminte. Tu in ce categorie te incadrezi?:>

Boem style

Casual style

Chic style

Classic style

Elegant style

ETno style

Glam style

Glam rock style

Goth style

Hippy style

Navy style

Punk style

Retro style

Club style

Rock style

Street style

Urban sports style

Vintage style

Fii tu ! E tot ce conteaza>:D<

marți, 10 mai 2011

Angels Cry ⊙﹏⊙

I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you said
We could've made everything OK
But we just
Threw the blame back and forth
We treated love like a sport 
The final blow hit so low
I'm still on the ground

I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all
'Member we used to touch the sky

Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

I thought we'd be forever and always
You were serenity
You took away the bad days
Didn't always treat you right
But it was OK
I do somethin' stupid
And you still stay with me

But you can only go for so long
Doing the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough
You look up
Find your love gone

We were so good together
How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better
Why did we say goodbye

'Cause lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Now every night
I feel the angels cry

Mariah & Ne-Yo:
C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you

Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
But we let it slip
In a storm
Every nïght
I feel the angels cry

Oh babe, the angels cry